Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If I may be so indulgent ... my Queen of Click, Kristina Fetkovich swooped in to the rescue when I needed immediate promotional shots. I am a stage hog, but this has never translated into a love for facing a lense. I prefer (by far) to be behind it -  but this was a lot of fun.

In roughly 40 minutes, we found some great moments. Here are a few that I like in particular .... the rest I'll be including on my website, which I plan to have up and running by the end of the year.

While we're on the dance tip ... I am feverishly prepping for the Potsdam residency next month - so soon!  Part of the prep is conducting Monday night modern dance classes - free to anyone who has a bit of technique background. The first one was last night and I felt fantastic about it. Overall a smooth class, but received some helpful feedback on how I can improve. Teaching a proper technique class is a far cry from running a rehearsal - but I'm confident I'll get back into that flow in time.

If you know anyone who may be interested. . . classes are Mondays, 7:30 - 9 at Gus Solomons Studios, 19th and Broadway NYC. There will be one on September 27th and Oct. 4th for certain -- Thereafter I will decide if and when I'll have a few more --




Anonymous said...


tracy said...


Amy said...

You are so beautiful it almost hurts!

tracy said...

thank you angel!